Feature & Follow {7}

Feature & Follow is a weekly post hosted by Parajunkee's View & Alison Can Read.

"Increase blog followers, gain book blog followers, and make new friends with the book blogger Feature & Follow"

This week's question is:

Q. What have you learned from book blogging that you didn't know before about the publishing industry?

Probably the most fun thing I have learned about are ARC's.  In fact it's sort of the whole reason I wanted to be a book blogger.  I had first learned about ARC's from my sister-n-law and I thought that was so cool that publishers and authors alike would send books to readers to review before they release to the public.  I've only been blogging since October so I am still very new to this process and all things related to book blogging.  I see some blogs and am blown away by the amount of detail and content.  One day when my blog grows up....it'll look like those too.  I learn so much from all of you every time I come visit your blogs!

Thanks for stopping by!  Don't forget to leave me a comment and let me know if you follow via GFC preferred, and I will return the following favor!

Also before you leave my blog be sure to sign up in my December New Release Giveaway!  You've got till December 31st and there is a daily entry option too!  Good luck!


  1. ARCs sure are a treasure to keep! :D

    Look what my fellow blogger Janhvi has to say in The Readdicts Feature & Follow Friday post.

    New follower here! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  2. Great answers! Good stuff to know about! :D Old follower here. Have a merry Christmas! :D

    My FF

  3. Great stuff to learn. :)

    New GFC follower, btw.

    Here's my FF

  4. What a great answer! Thank you so much for visiting my FF. New Follower :D

  5. ARCs are a really awesome motivator! I feel the same way about my book blog, too. Like, it just needs to grow up some :D New GFC follower!

    Here's my FF post!


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