Waiting on Angel of Mercy

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly post hosted by Breaking the Spine.

I came across my pick for this week while researching December 2012 releases for my giveaway (which starts December 15th by the way).  There isn't much information on Goodreads other than a publication date of December 31, 2012 and Amazon has no info on it, so I am skeptical on the release date.  Anyhow, the series intrigues me.

What are you waiting on this week?  Let me know!


  1. Ooh! This one sounds good! Plus the coverlooks so eerie! 0.0

    Happy Reading! :)
    Here's mine: http://wwwthebookshelves.blogspot.com/2012/12/waiting-on-wednesday-14-madness.html?m=1

  2. I had not heard of this book before, but it sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    My Wow

  3. This one has a great cover. Though I hadn't heard of it before today.

    Thanks for stopping by my WOW.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  4. Ooh this is definitely new to me. Great WOW pick. Come visit me as well.



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