Waiting on The Winds of Winter

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly post hosted by Breaking the Spine.

Wow, I'm late getting my pick out today.  I really try to get my posts out in the mornings but it was a busy day.  And to top it off I'm really not having a book come to mind easily.  I was going to choose Dare You To by Katie McGarry - because I AM excited for that to come out, but just last week I featured a post on its cover reveal so that seemed redundant to choose it for my WoW pick this week.

So my pick for this week is book 6 in its series and it looks like the release date is something like 2015!!  That's a bit ridiculous.  But perhaps it'll move up given the fact that the book was made into a successful TV show, and I mean really, the writers of the show have to have the inspiration from the books.  Right???

What book are you waiting on this week?  Leave me a comment to let me know!


  1. I can't wait for The Winds of Winter either. It's going to be a long wait...

    Great choice!

  2. I'll feature this one closer to time and when I get closer to this one. Thanks for stopping by my WOW.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. 2015--holy white cow of Jupiter. This must be awesome.hm? ;)

    Check out my Wow


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