Teaser Tuesday #1

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly book post hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
Anyone can play along!  Just do the following:

- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
- Be careful not to include spoilers! (Make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away.  You don't want to ruin the book for others.)
- Share the title and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teasers.

I'm trying something new today.  Since I LOVE adding quotes in my reviews, when I came across this meme it was love at first read.  So, here we go!

Taken from: Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi, both taken from between pages 1-30 as I'm not very far in the book yet and don't want to spoil myself!  

Teaser #1 - "Words tumbled out of him.  He said a dozen things he hadn't meant to say, until she drew back and smiled up at him.  Then he couldn't speak at all.  he took in the arch of her slender eyebrows, black like her hair, and the cleverness of her gray eyes.  Fair and finely made, she was beautiful.  Even more than he remembered."

Teaser #2 - "He hadn't gone far when Reef wheeled around, his braids swinging out. 'I don't have to tell you what your temper's like right now, do I?  It's the scent of stupidity.  You've brought us out here chasing after a girl who's got you so-'  'She's an Aud', Perry interrupted.  'She can hear you.' "

Have you read this book yet?  
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the teasers.


  1. I know saying that is almost like sacrilege around the blogosphere, but I haven't read Under the Never Sky ^^' I really love the first snippet though! I've come into quite a few situations lately where I just... can't speak. Because I have no words.
    Great teaser!

    Here's my TT

  2. Hi Holly!

    I haven't read Through The Ever Night yet but from your teasers I think I want to!

    My teaser this week is from The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and you can find it here ...



    Ps... I'm now following you :)

  3. Nice teasers, perhaps I should really start reading Under the Never Sky soon.

    Here's mine from The Unidentified Redhead


  4. I read the first book and liked it, but haven't read this one yet. It looks pretty good, too!

  5. This is (im)patiently waiting me on my Kindle ~ can't wait to get to it!!!

  6. Several people have posted teasers from this book, so it must be a good one. I like the ones you chose to post today.
    My Teaser is from THE STORYTELLER.

  7. Great teasers! I really need to start reading this series soon. The covers are so pretty.

    Here's my TT at Bookmunchies (:


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