Cat Thursday: My Friend

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates the wonders and sometimes hilarity of cats!  Join us by posting a favorite LOL cat pic that you may have come across, famous cat art, or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). Enjoy! (Don't forget to share your link in the linky post at the hosts page).

I ran across this meme this morning and couldn't stop smiling from the joy it brought me!  I LOVE books, but I LOVE cats too, and to combine those two loves in once place, there's nothing better.  Since this is my first time participating, let me share with ya'll a picture of my own precious kitty, who passed about a month ago at the age of 14.5 years.  His name was Lucky Bear and I'd had him since he was 6 months old but hand picked him at his birth.  He was my first child and brought years of joy to our family.

This pick was taken the week he passed, so he is very sick here.  

Happier and healthier times:

Luckie was a true lap cat and loved to snuggle!  And he was very jealous of my time spent reading books so he would plop himself down on top of my book or at least blocking my way.  As long as I made room for him though, he learned to share.

Are you a cat lover?  Go join up for Cat Thursday!


  1. He was a very handsome cat, I'm sorry for your loss.

    Welcome to Cat Thursdays, thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope I made you giggle this morning ;)

  2. I am sorry for your loss. He does look very regal.

  3. What a handsome guy! I think you were both lucky. Thanks for following. I am following you back! I know you will get lots of cat love on my blog.
    I am sorry for your loss. I hope Lucky sends you another cat to love. There are many waiting. Hugs.

  4. I'm sorry for your loss. Love this meme- have to check it out!

  5. What a handsome boy...he looks a lot like my Milo who passed away last year...he was a real lap cat too! Lucky we are to have had the time with them that we did and the wonderful memories!

  6. Oh isn't he the gorgeous boy! 14.5 years is such a long time but goes by so quick at the same time doesn't it? I'm very sorry to hear you lost your boy but so glad you have fond memories and were there for him his whole life :)

    Thank you for sharing your baby with all of us!

  7. I'm so very sorry for your loss. He was very handsome. I lost my boys not long ago - one last June and one last November.

  8. Hi Holly,
    What a dear kitty he was. I bet you miss him. He left his paw prints on your heart, I can tell.
    I'm glad you joined in. So exciting when fellow book lovers and cat lovers find each other.

  9. Oh he was a handsome cat! I'm so sorry for your loss. I've lost several over the years and it hurts so much. I'm glad you have good memories, and pictures, of him.

  10. Oh my, Lucky Bear was such a gorgeous cat, I am so very sorry for your loss ♥ It's never easy to lose a beoved pet but eventually the pain subsides and you're left with all the good memories...and a warm heart!

    I LOVE the idea of this MEME, seeing as I also adore both books & cats so I may have to join this one soon :D Thanks so much for sharing Holly xox

  11. He was a beautiful baby!

    I totally know how you feel about your "first kid." We've had our Kaline since she was 5 weeks and a feral rescue from a truck stop. Sometimes I think she really does believe I'm her mom! She'll likely leave for the Rainbow Bridge before we are gone and that is going to be rough on my husband and me. Find comfort in the beautiful memories and photos you have of him. {{{hugs}}}

  12. Welcome, Holly! I'm often very late in commenting, but I always make it around so I hope you will forgive me that. Lucky Bear sure was a sweetie. I'm so sorry that you lost him. I've had my fair share of kitty loved ones pass from illness and it's a terrible thing. I'm sure he has found peace across the Rainbow Bridge and will be waiting there for you.

    Again, welcome! I'm so glad to be seeing so many new faces joining me for Cat Thursday.


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