Feature & Follow {25}

Feature & Follow is a weekly post hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

"Increase blog followers, gain book blog followers and make new friends with the Feature & Follow blog hop."

Q. Give us a sneak!  What are you reading?  Tell us about a fun or fail scene in your current read.

I have been on a reading slump for the last month, maybe longer, and have dabbled in between 3 books, which over time has become something I don't enjoy doing (reading multiple books at one time).  I'm trying to force myself to just read one until it's done.  But for whatever reason I couldn't really get into any of them.  Dare You To by Katie McGarry, Twisted Perfection by Abbi Glines and Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare.

FINALLY yesterday I finished Twisted Perfection and got that review up (seeing as how I'm no longer ahead in my reviews I had to post it).  So today I'm getting back started in Clockwork Princess.  I'm only on page 31 so I'm not far enough into it to really share much in the way of fun or fail scenes.  

However I will share a series of quotes that I enjoyed but they won't give anything away, at least not for those who have read the series thus far:
Will sighed and half-closed his eyes.  "Tessa will be wanting to come next."

"Of course I am coming," Tessa said.  "I may not be a Shadowhunter, but I too have trained.  Jem is not going without me."

"You are in your wedding dress," Will protested.

"Well, now that you've seen it, I can't possibly wear it to be married in," said Tessa.  "Bad luck, you know."
 Might I just say that trying to avoid any and all comments and reviews about this book has been quite hard! Here's to hoping I can get through it without reading a spoiler anywhere!

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  1. I spoiled myself with the ending & epilogue of CP2, so I don't want to read it anymore. Sucks for me. Anyway, happy reading. Followed via GFC. :)

    Christie @ The Shadower's Shelf

  2. Hopping through!

    New follower via Bloglovin.

    Bieke @ Istyria book blog

  3. Can't wait to read this book! :D

    Great post! I'm now following you!
    Here's mine: http://carycheyennexo.blogspot.com/2013/05/follow-friday-16.html
    Xo - Cary.

  4. Hey :) Just wanted to let you know I stopped by.I'm a new follower! I'm following you via bloglovin'. Hope to get a follow back :)



  5. Hopping through. I hate reading slumps :-( I hope you end up loving Clockwork Princess. I did.
    My Hop

  6. Passing through to say hi!I'm a new follower who found you by FF blog hop and hope I can see you back at my blog or blogs =)



  7. I feel your pain. I have been this way all week. :( I hope you enjoy the rest of Clockwork Princess.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  8. I believe it is impossible not to love Clockwork Princess. Well, love and hate. You know Cassandra Clare...;) Prepare the tissues!! And thanks so much for stopping by my blog! New follower:)
    Esty @ Boarding with Books


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