In My Mailbox 29 & Sunday Post 28

In My Mailbox is a weekly post hosted by The Story Siren.
Each week bloggers participate to share all the books they received, whether bought, borrowed, won, etc...

This week I splurged on a book I've been wanting, and gained a few others as well.

PURCHASED - hardcover copy from Costco:
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

AMAZON DEAL $1.99 - 
While It Lasts (Sea Breeze #3) by Abbi Glines

3 Days by Krista Madden
Thanks to Cassandra Clare (author of The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices) for the recommendation on Goodreads!

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share book news from their week and what's to come in the week ahead.

I actually had quite a bit of reading time last week due to the marathon naps the baby I watch was taking every day.  However, I'm still only about half way through Clockwork Princess....still trucking along though, and enjoying it very much!


TUESDAY: Teaser Tuesday #17 featuring teasers from Clockwork Princess.

WEDNESDAY: Waiting on Wednesday featuring Waiting on Obsession.

THURSDAY: Cover Reveal - Allegiant by Veronica Roth.

FRIDAY: Feature and Follow {26} featuring the question: "Who is your favorite mom from fiction?"

Planned Posts:
Teaser Tuesday #18
Waiting on Wednesday
Feature & Follow {27}

We have 9 days left of school - and this is one SUPER excited Mom of 2 kids who stay really busy through the school year!  
Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow mom readers and bloggers and followers!  


  1. Great books this week. I want The 5th Wave so badly. Happy reading.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  2. Great haul! I've heard really amazing things about The 5th Wave. I hope you enjoy everything. :)

  3. Nice. I'm liking the sounds of The 5th Wave. Do hope you enjoy it when you get to it.

    Have a great week!

    If you'd like to stop by, I have a Sunday Post up as well:

  4. Eeeek The Fifth Wave!! I hope you love it just as much as everyone else seems to :D I'll be looking forward to reading your thoughts!! Awesome haul all around - happy reading ♥

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  5. Nice haul. Been hearing good things about The Fifth Wave. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these books.



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