Twisted Perfection - Review

Twisted Perfection (Perfection #1)

By: Abbi Glines

Expected Publication: April 22, 2013

Source: ARC review given by author in return for my honest review

(Goodreads / Amazon)

Life outside of her house was a new experience for Della Sloane. The dark secrets of her past weren’t something she ever intended to share with anyone. They would never understand. No one would ever get close enough to find out. Besides there was always a chance she’d go crazy sooner than they expected…

Woods Kerrington had never been one to be attracted to fragile females. They seemed like too much work. He wasn’t in it for the work just the pleasure. A night full of naughty fun had been exactly what was on his mind when he’d laid eyes on the hot little number that didn’t know how to pump gas and needed some help.

What he didn’t know was she was as fragile as they came.

The carefree girl who spoke her mind and didn’t care what the world thought of her was more breakable than he could ever imagine…
My Review:
Abbi succeeds again in writing a story full of emotion and lust.  But there's more to the story of Woods and Della than just lust.  Woods is being controlled and manipulated by his father, who holds the family company over Woods until he goes through with a marriage he doesn't want.  Della is seeking to find out what life really means to her after being controlled and hidden by her crazy mother her whole life.  Della and Woods literally collide and fall deeply for each other but is love enough to walk away from a job he has been groomed for his whole life, and can Della allow someone else to love her despite the emotional issues she has?

This story is short and just enough to wet your appetite for more between Woods and Della.  I always knew I loved his character and this book proves what we all know to be true, that Woods is an incredible guy who deserves his own happy ending.

In Della's search to find herself, she finds so much more and finding love becomes the driving force she needs to really live.

Favorite Quotes:
"Until Della walked into my life, I didn't understand the idea of love."

"When I look at you I see life.  I see joy.  I see my future."

"Woods made me whole.  He healed everything that was wrong with me."

Final Rating - 4 stars.

Part 2 of their story Simple Perfection is expected in the fall of 2013.


  1. I just had a friend asking about this one and had no idea what to tell them. So glad to hear you enjoyed it. It sounds like a good one :)


  2. I think I would really enjoy this, Della and Woods sound like I could root for them. Great review.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever


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