Armchair BEA: Day 5 Children's Fiction

Day 5: Children's Literature

"From picture books to middle grade to young adult novels this is a category that encompasses books that young and old alike flock to on a daily basis."

Since I have featured a lot of young adult books already during my posts on ArmchairBEA, since that is primarily what I read, for today's topic I'm going to feature some books my kids really love.  A great many of these I have read with them and to them at one time or another.

Daughters Favorite Picture Books:

Daughters Elementary School Favorites:

Sons Middle Grade Favorites:

All Around Family Children's Literature Favorite:


  1. The Chronicles of Narnia are timeless! I love those books so much!

  2. I second Meg's comment!I adored Chronicles of Narnia!

  3. great choices. I love the chronicles of Narnia I can't wait for my kids to grow up enough to read them to them.
    Jodie @ Aussie Bookworm

  4. The American Girls Series! I forgot about those! I used to like those. Makes me want to get one from the library and reminisce!


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