Teaser Tuesday #28

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly post hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can play along - just go here to learn how to participate.

This week my teasers come from The Redemption of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence #2) by Jessica Sorensen:
Publication Date: July 30, 2013

Teasers: I think back to all the kicks, the punches, the screaming, and how eventually I just drowned it all out, shut down, and died inside.  "Because it's too much."
(Loc 513 of 4877, 11%)

Share your teasers this week with me!


  1. Oh, I really want to read this series! I still have some other New Adult books to get through first though, starting with Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.

  2. I need to read the first book. Hope you're liking this one!

    My TT

  3. Good teaser, leaves me wanting to read it. Here is my TT http://cynthia2729.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/teaser-tuesday-july-30/

  4. What a teaser! I need to know more. Come see my teasers for Charmed Vengeance by Suzanne Lazear and Saving Paradise by Mike Bond. Happy reading!

  5. Great teaser! I can't wait to read this book, I loved the first one:) Here's mine: http://the-quiet-girl-talks.blogspot.com/

  6. I can't wait to get my hands on this series. I am a big Jessica Sorensen fan and I have heard such good things about these books. Great teaser.

  7. I want to read this series too!! Great tease, I am definitely intrigued!!

    Thanx for visiting my TT

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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