Fraterfest Read-A-Thon 2013 Wrap-Up
Fraterfest Read-A-Thon 2013 is hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
This is my wrap-up post of the goals I set.
To see my goals post go HERE.
I could complain and say that I fell way short of my goals....or that I set too high of goals for the 6 days of this Read-A-Thon, and all of that would be true, but instead I'm going to focus on the fact that I was able to read 2 books off my list and begin a third which I will finish today - a day late.
Here's what I read:
Lash (Broken Angels #1) by L.G. Castillo
Countdown by Michelle Rowen
Deadlocked 3 by A.R. Wise
I entered all 4 challenges and found a few of them (Witch Cutouts in particular) to be incredibly difficult. Great challenges! I was unable to participate in the Twitter party, but I did update my reading progress on Twitter occasionally using the hashtag #Fraterfest. Overall, I'm pleased with my progress! That's 2 1/2 books off my TBR and ARC stack.
Did you participate in Fraterfest Read-A-Thon? How did you do on your goals?
GJ! I barely finished Blood Promise. Finally made it to 60% in Origin today. I'll read some more tonight, but I've got party stuff to work on.