Teaser Tuesday #38

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly post hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can play along - just go HERE to learn how to participate.

This week my teasers come from Countdown by Michelle Rowen:

Teasers: My eyes widened, but I held my tongue.  He wasn't only doing this to be my knight in shining armor.  I was the one with the antivirus disc hidden in my bra.
(Loc 2674 or 3164, 85%)

Share your teasers with me!  Leave me a link to your teaser post in the comments.


  1. Yeah, that puts a different twist on things.
    Great teaser. Please check out my teaser.

  2. Yeah, that would put a twist on things.

    Great teaser. Please check out my teaser.


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