Teaser Tuesday #75: Last Light

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly post hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can play along. Just go HERE to learn how to participate.

This week my teasers come from 
Last Light (Night Owl #2) by M. Pierce:

Teasers: "People are so depraved, so desperate for money. They'll take advantage of anyone, Hannah. Predators."
(Loc 6% in ARC ebook)

What are you reading this week?
Share a teaser with me!


  1. Sounds like Hannah is being forewarned. I wonder why. Guess I'd better hop over to Amazon and read the synopsis.

    My Tuesday post features THE BEARWALKER’S DAUGHTER.

  2. Nice teaser, sounds like it could be really interesting. Wonder what happened... Hope you enjoy the rest of the book, thanks for sharing!

  3. Nothing new there. Humans can be their own worst enemies. I think I'd like this book.
    Here is my TT - http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/10/28/teaser-tuesdays-87-moore-zombies-and-the-alien-next-door/

  4. Sounds intense. .

    My teaser is an excerpt from a YA book about the Underground Railway.



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