The Ruin of the World - Review

The Ruin of the World (The World Without End #4)

By: Nazarea Andrews

Published: May 11, 2015

202 pages

Source: Personal Kindle Library

(Goodreads / Amazon)

When the zombies rose, we thought the world ended.
It didn’t—it just broke, in a way we couldn’t fix. And we found ways to continue, reasons to fight. 
Faith. Family. Politics. Obsession. The most dangerous of all—hope
But when all of that is stripped away, and nothing remains but rage and betrayal—that is the true end of the world. 
Return to the World Without End, for a final battle for hope and survival in the exciting conclusion to Nazarea Andrews’ phenomenal series.
This installment picks up 4 months after the end of book 3's events. Finn is, by force, leading an army into the East as he is being coerced by Omar, a Black Priest, who is head over the Order. Finn will fight and lead the army as long as Omar continues to give Nurrin the medicine she needs to slow down the virus battling for control within her.

As closed off as Finn is, we continue to see an opening up of his feelings for Nurrin.

It's not often you get a happily-ever-after in a zombie series. And really, we are left with a few questions at the end of the book, but as much as can be considered happily-ever-after in a world where death is a constant threat, I was satisfied. And as always it's bitter sweet to come to the end of a series with two characters you grow to love, knowing that their story is now over.

This book, along with the whole series, are fast reads. There's constant action, loads of zombie attacks, there's incredible tension between Finn and Nurrin and there's still romance. I ate all of the books in this series up. It remains a favorite series for me in a NA zombie genre. Fair warning, there are loads of "F" bombs, to the point of being excessive.

My only argument was that it was over too soon. This is one series I would've enjoyed more from. There is more going on near the end of the book that leaves us with questions, so I could see a spinoff series continuing from that, but unfortunately according to the author's notes, wouldn't include Finn and Nurrin since this was the end of their story.

Fans of NA zombie horror, combined with a little romance, would enjoy this series.

Favorite Quotes:
Even here, there is still beauty in the world. Savage, untamed beauty that the dead rising couldn't kill.

As brutal and ugly as the world is, there is still beauty. Something that stretches past the blood and death.

There is only this. Him. Me. Living - and dying - the way we choose.

The world might fall apart, and we might die tomorrow, and wherever we go, we'll find the infected. That is our world. It has been my entire life.

Language Rating: 3 (high)
Mature Content Rating: 2 (medium)
Final Rating: 4 stars

New to the series? Check out my other reviews.
Book 1: The World Without a Future (4.5 stars)
Book 2: The Horde Without End (4 stars)
Book 3: The Future Without Hope (3.5 stars)
