Feature & Follow #66

Feature & Follow is a weekly post hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

"The goal is to increase followers and make new friends."

The Rules:
Follow the 2 hosts.
Follow the 2 features (new each week).
Hop around and follow others that are participating, leaving a comment to let them know.
Answer this week's question in your own blog post.

This week's question:
Share a random quote from the book you are currently reading. ~ Suggested by Journey Through Fiction

He was going to have to become the person he didn't want to be - the king's son, Prince Darmik, in order to go before the emperor. It was the only thing that could save Rema. ~ War (True Reign #3) by Jennifer Anne Davis (Location 906 of 4432, 19%)

For follows I prefer GFC, Facebook, Bloglovin' and Email. Be sure to comment letting me know how you followed so I can return the visit!
