*ARC* Wait For Me - Review

Wait For Me

By: Caroline Leech

Published: January 31, 2017 by HarperTeen

384 pages

Source: Edelweiss ARC from publisher

(Goodreads / Amazon)

Set on a Scottish farm in the spring of 1945, Wait for Me begins as Paul, a severely burned German prisoner-of-war, is sent to the farm to work. Lorna, the farmer’s teenage daughter, soon discovers that in wartime, your family and your allies might not actually be your friends, and your enemy might turn out to be the love of your life. Lorna’s friendship with Paul, and their developing love for each other, is challenged by Lorna’s own prejudices and by the intolerance of her soldier brother and her friends in the village. Ultimately, the events which bring peace to Europe will tear Lorna and Paul apart. What will Lorna have to give up in order to find Paul again?
I wasn't sure how I would enjoy historical fiction as I've not read a whole lot in this genre...but since it was YA, and it was also romance, I decided to give it a shot. Ya'll! I thoroughly enjoyed this story - history and all!

One of the most touching things to me was the picture painted of the reality of both sides of the soldiers in a war. The British and the German, Americans, and other allies, World War II, as well as other wars fought throughout much of history, had a mandatory service enlistment at the age of 18 for all males. There was no "voluntary" about war. These boys...young men...had to leave their parents and siblings, young love if they had it, and go to see and do things unimaginable. It didn't matter what side you were on or which country's colors you were wearing, you were forced to fight and kill in a war you may or may not agree with.

The story is set in early 1945 in Scotland. World War 2 is ongoing and German prisoners of war are being sent from their prison camps to work at farms. The main character, 17 year old Lorna, is the youngest of three siblings and lives on a farm with her Dad. Both of her older brothers were sent off to war 4 years ago. So she helps her dad, while still going to school. They, together with Nellie who was sent from the Women's Land Army to also work on their farm as a "land girl", are still shorthanded. So her Dad requests a prisoner come to help them. 19 year old Paul Vogel is sent to them. He was wounded on Normandy Beach, half of his face was burned and shrapnel was embedded into the side of his chest. Wounded as he is, Lorna comes to see more than just his burned and damaged skin. She learns about the man Paul is and despite his being their enemy, she begins to fall for him. This causes quite a struggle within her. Her own brothers are off fighting in this war, in which Paul is their enemy.

This story was truly wonderful to read! An ending just like I prefer, though there could definitely be a book two for Lorna and Paul. Here's to hoping!

This story reminded me that we're all one race of people - the human race. As such, we should be willing to forgive freely and to be compassionate to all people. If you're a fan of YA historical fiction, or like me, you just love YA romance, please give this a read! Combined with some truths of history of World War II in Scotland, this story is sure to touch you!

Top 5 Favorite Quotes:
"I am German, yes, but I am not a Nazi. There is a difference, and one day I hope you understand that."

"One day, Lorna, I will dance this waltz with you again."

"I liked kissing you. In fact, it turns out that it might be one of my favorite things to do in all the world."

"...sometimes discretion is the better part of valor..."

"You will never lose me." Paul kissed the top of her head. "And even if I have to leave, you must know that I will come back to you again. If you'll wait for me?"

Language Rating: 1 (light)
Mature Content Rating: 1 (light)
Final Rating: 4 stars
