Sunday Post #119

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer . Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week. ~FOR REVIEW~ ~PURCHASED~ RECAP OF WEEK: No New Posts Just a short post to say "I'm still here". Part 2. I have seriously missed reading!!! I realize now the luxury I had available to me in the form of TIME . Time to do what I wanted, for the most part, during the day. Now that I'm working full time again outside the home (as an elementary school secretary) I have such limited time to do anything for myself. I'm not complaining. This opportunity has afforded our family many blessings that, in this season in our life, are necessary. But I do miss time to read. I miss getting lost in stories and characters and the many wonderful worlds created by amazing authors. I miss the escape from the stress of life. I miss jumping right into the latest books of my favorite authors (and I have...