Review Policy

What you can expect from my blog and book reviews:

This blog has been created for me to chronicle the books I read. As I read a book, I will write up my thoughts and feelings about it (i.e. my "review") and give it an overall rating score between 1 and 5 stars. I realize that every book written is fueled by love by the author who took the time and energy to write it. It is for that reason I state here that these reviews are solely my opinion, and are in no way a reflection of the author. I do not write poor "reviews" to be mean. Every book will not appeal to all people.

My preferred genre of books is YA fiction - specifically paranormal, fantasy, contemporary, romance, dystopian, apocalyptic, and historical fiction. I do enjoy some NA and adult fiction books in these genres also.

The following information will be included in all of my reviews: the cover art, author name, publisher name if applicable, a brief summary of the novel from Goodreads, my own thoughts about the book, a numbered rating, links to both Goodreads and publication dates. My reviews will also be posted on Goodreads.

NEW TO MY RATING SYSTEM AS OF 1/22/2015 and explanation of star ratings used:

Language Rating: 0-3 (none, light, medium, heavy)
Mature/Graphic Content: 0-3 (none, light, medium, heavy)
Overall *: Strong dislike. Or DNF.
Overall **: Less than good...painful to read at times.
Overall ***: Good book, but it irritated me one too many times.
Overal ****: Really, really enjoyed it!
Overall *****: Loved and obsessed over every page!

Lastly, I am not a real "wordy" kind of person. So my "reviews" are usually short and sweet (or not so sweet as some may be) and to the point. I really don't see the point of rewriting my own synopsis when Goodreads does a fabulous job of that already so don't expect to see a lengthy synopsis on my reviews. I will generally have a short one.

To quote from a book, "I'm not an endless well of descriptive words..." Existence #1 by Abbi Glines, describes perfectly my review writing style. I'm not going to use beautiful language to describe my thoughts on books. It'll be honest, and it'll be simple.
