2018 Series Enders Reading Challenge: Sign Up

The 2017 Series Enders Reading Challenge was another success, and so Sandy and I decided we're in this for yet another year. Welcome to our 5th Annual Series Enders Reading Challenge. While the rules this year are essentially the same as last year, we did tweak the wording on a few and add some clarification so please be sure to check them out for a refresher. This challenge is for all of you series readers who are scared to death of that last book in the series. You anxiously await it. You stalk it. You get your hands on it as soon as possible. But then…you put off reading it for fear that it might not be everything you thought it would be. Or, maybe you just have a backlog of series started and you need to finish that last book. Join us in knocking out those pesky last books in a series. This is your chance. Here’s your motivation. Better than that, we have prizes! Challenge Guidelines: This challenge will run from January 1, 2018 until December 31, 2018. A...