Top Ten Books I HAD to Buy...but have yet to read.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.'s been said many, many times (by myself) that I acknowledge I have an issue buying books, especially $.99 Kindle books.  However, I had been 14 days without buying one - so progress was being made...but I broke that progress yesterday with the pre-order purchase of a book I had planned to get upon it's release - The Clockwork Princess.  With that said....on to the list.

The below books are all print:
1. A Feast For Crows by George R.R. Martin
After finishing book 3 I made sure I had book 4 but the reality is these books take me about a month to read because of their length and depth and I'm not far ahead enough in reviews to take one month to read one book.

2. Bloody Valentine and 3. Lost in Time by Melissa De La Cruz
Though I didn't personally buy these, I did place them as "highest" priority on my Amazon Wish List and my snl (Somewhere Only We Know) and bnl bought them for me for back to back holidays about 2 years ago. I want to see what happens but the story lost its appeal to me a long time ago.

The rest from my list are all on my Kindle app:
4. Flight by Alyssa Rose Ivy
The covers of this series sold me!  So why is it I have yet to actually read it?!?

5. Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead
A 99 cent steal once on Amazon so I scooped it up....and there it still sits on my Kindle app unread.

6. Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo
This was highly recommended to me by my cousin, went on sale on Amazon so I had to buy it....and that was over a year ago.

7. The Lying Game #3: Two Truths and a Lie by Sara Shepard
Bought this for my snl's book 1/3 of it and haven't picked it up since.  The show was on at the same time and I started to enjoy that more so I put the book down - even though they are completely different.

8.Crazy Love  9. Forgotten God  10. Erasing Hell by Francis Chan
These 3 books were all on sale over a year ago on Amazon for a great deal.  I have it on high recommendation so I know they are great books but when it comes to self help or spiritual books, or just nonfiction in general I have a hard time being interested in them.

Given the fact that I've purchased 41 Kindle books this year alone (a number of those were freebie's though) and even more unread from last year....I could keep going way past 10.  

What would make your top ten in this list?


  1. LOL- That Richelle Mead one got me too for the longest time. Alyssa Rose Ivy's books too!

    The one click purchasing for kindle is terrible! I've got probably close to the number you've picked up this year too. And maybe read 2 or 3 of them. It's just so hard to resist em! :D

    herding cats & burning soup

  2. I loved the Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead -- definitely recommend it. The Blue Bloods series dragged on so I understand your reluctance on those books!

    My TTT

    Eva @ All Books Considered


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