Sunday Post #56
Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and any news from their week.
Click on the book cover to be taken to its Goodreads page. If you would like to purchase one of these the Buy Link, if available, is below each cover.
Dawn of the Apocalypse by E.S.P.
Buy Link: Amazon
January 1, 2000.RECAP OF WEEK:
May 21, 2011.
December 21, 2012
These are just a few of the days humans prophesied as bringing catastrophic events that would end the world. We predicted nuclear warfare. Drastic climate change. A call from God.
We were wrong.
Cue the gargoyle invasion—laboratory bred mutants designed to slaughter humans. When the government goes AWOL and gargoyles are swarming by the hundreds, it's up to the citizens of the United States to regroup and save themselves.
Meet Cliff Matthews, a teenage boy separated from his entire family with the exception of his younger sister, whom he is desperate to keep alive. Along the quest to save their lives, he encounters people who aren't all that they seem. Everyday's a battle, but if he can't trust his own species, where does that leave his family?
And we can't forget the man who may be willing to sacrifice Cliff's life, if it means world domination.
In terms of doomsday, no one could've seen this coming. The dawn of the apocalypse…
Review - The Way We Fall (Fallen World #1) by Megan Crewe
Teaser Tuesday #43 featuring teasers from The Lives We Lost.
Guest Post & Giveaway by Terra Harmony: Books or Movies? Which are better?
ARC Thursday Review - The Wager (The Bet #2) by Rachel Van Dyken
Review - The Lives We Lost (Fallen World #2) by Megan Crewe
ARC Thursday Review - Crash Into You (Pushing the Limits #3) by Katie McGarry
Tentative Posts:
Teaser Tuesday #44
Waiting on Wednesday
Feature & Follow {43}
Current Giveaway's and Events:
Win 1 of 5 ebooks of The Rising (The Painted Maidens #1) by Terra Harmony. Ends 12/11.
2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge - join now! (Giveaways every month of 2014 to those who participate).
Our Thanksgiving was very good, filled with family and food, and of course shopping! Unfortunately a sinus cold shortly followed for me - boo! As I'm writing this post early I have to mention the biggest event this weekend that most of us living in Alabama enjoy - the IRON BOWL!! WAR EAGLE! That is what our Saturday is filled with - anticipation of this game and who will take home the title of winner. Exciting day always!
Enjoy your week friends!
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