Never Never - Review

Never Never

By: Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher

Published: January 7, 2015 by Hoover Ink

140 pages

Source: Personal Kindle Library

(Goodreads / Amazon)

Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen. 
Complete strangers since this morning. 
He'll do anything to remember. She'll do anything to forget. 

Unique plot! I enjoyed this story. My only complaint - it was too short. Just when it was getting good and we were finally seeing a teeny tiny glimpse into what's going on - BAM. It ends. Boo! I sort of half expected this given the fact that it's only 140 pages but was definitely hoping we got farther along in the story than we did. Pretty much we only see 48 hours of their life. Not all THAT much can happen in 48 hours.

So the story is about 2 teens: 18 year old Silas and 17/18 year old Charlie (I can't remember her exact age).  The story alternates chapters between their POV's. They find themselves separately "waking up" of sorts, in a classroom at school without any memory of who they are, who their families are, names of people, etc... Discovering that the two of them share this same strange problem they stick together to try to figure out what happened and what's going on. But navigating in a world where others know you and your secrets and you're like an imposter among them has it's challenges. Like for instance, they begin to find out details about the people they were that they don't really like.

Silas feels connected to Charlie even without his memory of her and is easily pulled to her but she seems guarded. It seems as though she doesn't want to lean too heavily on him just because that's what the other Charlie might would've done. It's an interesting dynamic. Finding out you've been in a relationship with someone for 4 years but having no memory of it, no memory of the feelings you had towards them or the moments you shared together.

Just as they are piecing together clues throughout the story - clues that could mean everything and clues that could mean absolutely nothing, I was highlighting and making notes trying to figure out where this could be headed. Though I'd like to pretend I'm that smart and have a inkling of an idea of what's going on....I don't. What little you do learn is too vague to come up with a coherent answer to their problem. I am still guessing and wondering along with the characters. I have some thoughts about things they haven't questioned or explored yet though. For the sheer mystery factor, I was hooked. But I NEED MORE!!!

Favorite Quotes:
She's familiar. My only familiar thing in a world of inconsistency and confusion.

"Lucky for you, I'm not Monopoly Silas anymore. I'm Tetris Silas. All my pieces and parts are going to fit into all of your pieces and parts."

Language Rating: 1 (light)
Mature and/or Graphic Content Rating: 1 (light)
Final Rating: 4 stars


  1. Yep! Need Part 2 ASAP! Great review! I like you language and content rating addition!

  2. I completely agree!!! Too short!!! The end frustrated me! I need part 2 NOW. (:

    Pearl @ AsteriskPearl's Book Blog


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