Sunday Post #154

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week.

Click on the book covers to be taken to its Goodreads page. The Buy Link, if available, is below each book cover.

Oblivion (Lux #1.5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Buy Link: Amazon

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Review - Saven Deception by Siobhan Davis

The month of December has been a bust for me as far as reading and blogging. I believe this has been a pretty consistent pattern for the last couple of years, until after school gets out for the Christmas break anyway. I'm actually reading (very slowly) 3 books right now which is unheard of for me. I don't like reading multiple books at a time. This happens to be my current book situation partly because none of them really drew my attention, but I didn't want to DNF any of them. It's been more about my mood to read than the books themselves. And when you don't read, and aren't scheduled out for reviews, that equates to no book reviews being posted. Sigh...

With this week being Christmas and two full days of family activities I doubt I'll get much reading done. This is one of my favorite times of year though, spending those days with our extended families. Wherever you find yourself on Christmas day, surrounded by family, friends or by yourself, I hope your day will be special, and that you'll find time to read, to live and to love. Merry Christmas!

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." (Luke 2:11-14)

If you are reading last books in a series you should participate in the 2015 Series Ender Reading Challenge! Anyone can sign up to participate until December 2015! Go HERE for full details and to sign up. We have a giveaway EVERY month open to those that link up reviews.
Enjoy your week!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readDecember 20, 2015 at 8:52 AM

    Yay Oblivion!! I looooooved this one!

    my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Usually I get a ton of reading done in our days off work around Christmas and New Years, but I don't think that'll be the case this year. :( Can't really complain though. Ugh, I still haven't read the last Lux book!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. I got Oblivion this week as well. I understand about not having time to read this month. But I'm ready for my winter break the next two weeks so I can do lots of reading!

    Check out my Sunday Post

  4. JLA is amazing. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love


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