Sunday Post #190

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week.




Planned Posts:
Review - The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson
TBD: ARC Thursday Review - The Thousandth Floor

I was a slacker this week when it came to reading and blogging. I didn't do my usual WOW post this week, even though I have some books I want to feature, but it's because the host, Breaking the Spine, has been MIA for 4.5 weeks now. Many people have left comments but there's been silence. If anyone knows her, please let the blogging community know if she's okay. It feels wrong to feature the meme when she's not posting a link up. Do you post and not credit her? Do you continue to post when she's clearly not there? I don't know. What do ya'll think?

If you are reading last books in a series you should participate with us in our 3rd year of the 2016 Series Ender Reading Challenge! Anyone can sign up to participate until December 15, 2016! Go HERE for full details and to sign up. We have a giveaway EVERY month open to those that link up reviews and a BIG giveaway open to everyone that participates through the year. Don't miss out!

Enjoy your week!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readSeptember 25, 2016 at 8:04 AM

    Nice! Lol! Sometimes it's very nice not to add to the TBR pile! I thought I was adding mostly keeper copies this week, and well, it turned into only 1 keeper copy! LOL! Enjoy the break!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Wow, I know she hasn't been active on the blog aside from Wow. I really hope she is ok. I think you post with credit to her. What more can you do. Hope this week is a good one Holly :)

  3. Yeah for the five star review!

  4. Oh, it's always worrying when a blogger goes missing. That's happened a few times throughout my blogging life and there's often a sense of (almost) grieving when you lose contact. I used to have some bloggy friends o/s who stopped blogging and wonder (from time to time) how they are now.

  5. I didn't post a WOW last week, but not because she's MIA. I just keep crediting her and linking up on the old post. I hope she's okay though.

  6. I have worried about another blogger who has gone missing. She has been gone for a year now, and it really worries me. I would still post and credit the host.


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