Sunday Post #194

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week.

Click on the book cover to be taken to its Goodreads page.

Elude (Eagle Elite #6) by Rachel Van Dyken
Buy Link: Amazon

Empire (Eagle Elite #7) by Rachel Van Dyken
Buy Link: Amazon

The Dragon's Price (Transference #1) by Bethany Wiggins
Preorder Buy Link: Amazon



We had our last Friday night football game. It was round one in the state playoffs and we lost 42-24. So that also means it was my son's last marching event of the season. It's always bittersweet at the end because I so love watching him in his element, pure joy coming off his face when he performs with the band. He is a percussionist and being part of the drum-line this year has been amazing fun for him! Now we move on to chorus events for the winter season and closer to Christmas a band concert. Much less busy schedule though!! Perhaps my reading will get a MAJOR boost these last TWO months of 2016!!! I'm way behind my reading goal for this year and seriously need to step it up. But let's be real....the odds are against me to finish 13 books by the end of December. 

My baby girl celebrated her 13th birthday on Friday!!! Goodness. Both of my babies are teenagers now and my oldest will be getting his driving permit in April. Yikes!!

In other's finally election week in the U.S. If you are a citizen here too, please exercise your RIGHT to vote and have your voice heard!! That is all the politics I'm willing to mention on my blog.

Have a great week friends! Don't forget to be awesome!

If you are reading last books in a series you should participate with us in our 3rd year of the 2016 Series Ender Reading Challenge! Anyone can sign up to participate until December 15, 2016! Go HERE for full details and to sign up. We have a giveaway EVERY month open to those that link up reviews and a BIG giveaway open to everyone that participates through the year. Don't miss out!

Enjoy your week!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readNovember 6, 2016 at 7:33 AM

    OOh nice! Totally new to me ones! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. My youngest (out of 6) turned 16 last month and is taking Driver's Ed starting next week. They grow up so fast! But we have 2 little grandkiddos, so we can start all over without all the parenting involved. So much fun! :D

  3. I used to be in the Band in HS, I always loved to perform. It was fun. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I hope she had a great day!

    Hope you have an awesome week, Happy Reading!

  4. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Thirteen is an important one:) And I will be voting next week!

    My Sunday Post

  5. I haven't tried Van Dyken, but the covers make me curious. Happy Birthday to your daughter Holly welcome to the teens! Hope your week is a good one.

  6. The covers for your books make me interested. I like the cover for the last book. I hope you love all of your new books and have a lovely week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  7. I've yet to read anything by Rachel Van Dyken but those two covers have me thinking I need to change that. 😉 Happy belated birthday to your daughter! Two teenagers... fun times. LOL Hope you manage to find some extra reading time in November and December! You're not so far off your goal!

  8. Happy birthday to your daughter. May you get lots of reading time as the year comes to a close. I will be happy to see Wed arrive.


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