Sunday Post #114

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week.

Click on the book cover to be taken to its Goodreads page.

Boys South of the Mason Dixon #1 by Abbi Glines
Preorder Buy Link: Amazon ($.99 deal)

~FOR REVIEW~ by River Laurent
Buy Link: Amazon

Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #3) by Siobhan Davis
Preorder Buy Link: Amazon



We finally made it to summer! Well, in two days of exams left for my kiddos. And then I have 4 days left with the little boy I've kept for nearly 5 years. That chapter is closing as he will start Kindergarten in the fall. Not sure what the next chapter will be but I look forward to it.

And just like that I have a 10th grader and an 8th grader! Time really does go by so fast, so my philosophy has always been to enjoy the age they were at, to enjoy every moment so that I wouldn't look back and regret. As they are now both teenagers that means being at every volleyball game, every basketball game, every football game to watch my son march in the drumline, every band competition and chorus performances. I'm just soaking up every opportunity I have to watch them both do what they love and be their biggest fans along the way!  

You can now join us for our 4th annual Series Enders Reading Challenge for 2017! Join anytime until December 15, 2017. We give away a gift card EVERY month to one lucky participant and we award a GRAND PRIZE at the end of the year. The more series enders book reviews you link up - the more entries you have to win. Come join us!

Enjoy your week!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readMay 21, 2017 at 7:24 AM

    OOh nice new reads!! All totally new to me ones! Hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I didn't know Abbi Glines had a new series out. I'll be borrowing it from you if you enjoy it. YAY niece and nephew! I hope the new baby will be a bit more chill so maybe we can come to a few more events this coming year.

  3. That new Abbi Glines book kind of came out of nowhere! I hadn't heard anything about it until the day it released!
    Enjoy your 10th and 8th graders!! I teach high school so I know that is a crazy age!


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