Sunday Post #117

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week.

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Things are getting back to normal. Daughter's ankle is still not 100% but the orthopedic appointment and (second) xray this week showed no fracture. With a strong anti-inflammatory and strict instructions to work her ankle and strengthen it with PT exercises, she's walking with a brace and slowly getting back the activities she enjoys most!

Band camp starts for my oldest this week. 8:00-5:00 all week for two weeks. It's a tiring time for him but he LOVES it! I can't believe we are 5 Friday's away from the start of high school football games! It's one of our most favorite seasons of the year!!

In other news, after 15 years of being a stay-at-home mom and then a Nanny for the last nearly 5 of those years, I'm going back to work outside of the home as a school secretary in less than 2 weeks. This is a new transition for our family and for my kids. They've never known me to work outside the home. We were blessed for me to be available for them 24/7 since their birth. It's bitter sweet, and a bit scary but I believe it is a God-approved decision as we have been praying over this decision and job position for 3 months and the path has been smooth and has worked out effortlessly. I will have school holiday's off and summer's off and my hours will be such that I can still take my kids to school and pick them up AND not miss any of my daughter's sporting events or my son's marching events. I honestly could not have asked for a better situation if I have to go back to work. I'm sure for a time my reading time will seriously be cut in to, which may make my blogging less than it is now. But I'll still be around.

You can now join us for our 4th annual Series Enders Reading Challenge for 2017! Join anytime until December 15, 2017. We give away a gift card EVERY month to one lucky participant and we award a GRAND PRIZE at the end of the year. The more series enders book reviews you link up - the more entries you have to win. Come join us!

Enjoy your week!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readJuly 23, 2017 at 7:20 AM

    That's exciting about the job! Congrats! And yay for summers off still! Wish you the best of luck!

    And yay for new reads too! Totally new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Good to hear your daughter is progressing with her ankle injury - and listening to these other folks! Will she still be able to play during the volleyball season? I was in band (colorguard) my senior year of high school and I absolutely loved it. I regretted not giving into a friend's constant persuasions to audition sooner. Friday Baby was laying on the porch listening to the local high school band play. Our subdivision is RIGHT across the street from the HS.

    CONGRATS on your job! I'm sure it is very hard going back to work outside of the home. I'm glad this has worked out for you - I'm sure you will love it and the schedule. What type of campus are you going to be at? Elementary, middle or high school?

  3. I had my fingers crossed about her x-rays. So happy there were no fractures. And how wonderful to get the perfect job. Everything works so well with your shcedule and the kids! Congratulations:)

    My Sunday Post


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