Sunday Post #118

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week.

~No New Books~

No New Posts

Just a short post to say "I'm still here". The last Sunday Post I shared was at the end of July and I said I was going back to work. Well, I started my new job as an elementary school secretary on August 10th and my reading, and therefore blogging, time has gone to nearly zero! I just haven't figured out how to fit in reading, and making any significant progress in books, all while working full time AND having evenings and weekends devoted to my teenagers and their extra curriculars or just family time, cleaning house time and lastly, down time. Sadly there aren't enough hours in the day most days. Sometimes I'll get a few pages read here and there but I'm still working on the same ARC that I was back when I last posted. 

All of that to say that I'm good. Crazy busy nearly every day, but I am blessed. One day, and that might not be till Thanksgiving break and Christmas break and summer break, but I hope to resume my reguarly scheduled reading and blogging time that I so very much enjoy. 

You can now join us for our 4th annual Series Enders Reading Challenge for 2017! Join anytime until December 15, 2017. We give away a gift card EVERY month to one lucky participant and we award a GRAND PRIZE at the end of the year. The more series enders book reviews you link up - the more entries you have to win. Come join us!

Enjoy your week!
Thanks for stopping by!
