Sunday Post #136

Sunday Post is a weekly post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Each week bloggers participate to share any books received and news from their week.

Click on the book covers to be taken to its Goodreads page. The Buy Link, if available, is below each book cover.

The Foxglove Killings by Tara Kelly
Buy Link: Amazon





Tentative Posts:
Teaser Tuesday
Waiting on Wednesday
Feature & Follow
Planned Posts:
No reviews planned

This week has been a rather full week. On one hand it was a great and productive week, especially with my health and exercise goals. As of today it is day 9 of the 21 Day Fix workouts. Those were tough to start out with but are in ways getting easier for me to finish (one in particular without crying). I still have loads of room for improvement but my day 7 results were 2 pounds lost and 3 7/8 inches total lost. I can't wait to see where I am at on day 21. And I love the workouts so much, that I plan to continue on with them, even after the first official 21 days ends. 

On the other hand, this week was a challenge because both of my kids within 2 days of each other came down with the same severe stomach virus. Vomiting, diarrhea, fever...the works. It lasted for 24 hours with my  youngest and 48+ hours with my oldest.

As much as I counted down the days to our summer break, I can't believe we are so close to school starting back and now we are counting the days left of summer break. For my kids school starts back August 6th. But due to band camp the last 3 weeks of July, it feels like in a way, school has started already. Class schedules have arrived, uniforms are purchased and cleaned, school supplies are ready and my 8th and 6th graders are excited to go back.

On the book front this week, I'm still plugging away on The Heart of Betrayal. At 50% through, I'm just reading when I can and not stressing about a slow down of reading time.

If you are reading last books in a series you should participate in the 2015 Series Ender Reading Challenge! Anyone can sign up to participate until December 2015! Go HERE for full details and to sign up.

Enjoy your week!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jessica @ a GREAT readJuly 26, 2015 at 7:26 AM

    Oh nice! That's a totally new to me one! Hope you love it once you read it!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. New book to me this week. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you enjoy

    I hope you have a wonderful week! Happy reading :)

    Here's my weekly wrap up

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  3. We start back on the 4th for the older one and the 10th for the youngest. I can't believe that summer is already almost over! The 21 Day Fix has me intrigued. I desperately need to get back into a regular exercise pattern. I feel so much better when I do but it's so hard to get started. Have a great week!

  4. Great news on the weight loss, bad news about the kids being sick. My two usually end up the same, there is nothing worse. I hope this week is better.

  5. Sorry to hear your kids have been sick! Congrats on the exercise and weight loss!


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