Armchair BEA Wrap Up

Today is a Wrap Up of all the activities I participated in this week for Armchair BEA 2014 . I have enjoyed this year's Armchair BEA. I was a "cheerleader" where I had a set # of blogs to comment on every day. This was something new for me to try from last year. By doing this I was able to interact and meet a lot of participants that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. I briefly participated in one Twitter party (Friday's). And when I say "briefly" I mean for about 30 minutes and commented a couple of times. I had wanted to make more but timing didn't work out for me to. And of course I participated in one or both of the topics every day. Mostly I chose only one topic to do. In case you missed any of my posts from the week here ya go: Day 1: Introduction and Literature Day 2: Author Interaction Day 3: Part 1 - Novellas/Short Stories Day 3: Part 2 - Expanding Blogging Horizons Day 4: Giveaways - win your choice of b...