Fashionable or Not? - Chaco's
Fashionable or Not?
Fashionable or Not? is a fun little side feature I started last year on my blog as a way for me to occasionally talk about another enjoyment of mine, and that would be things related to fashion. If you're new to this feature, here are the other 5 posts I've done:
Fashionable or Not? - Introduction
Fashionable or Not? - Stitch Fix #1
Fashionable or Not? - Initials, Inc
Fashionable or Not? - Fringe Trend
Fashionable or Not? - Thred Up
Now on to topic number 6, Chaco's. For those who may be unfamiliar, this is the brand of a popular EXPENSIVE trendy sandal. They typically range in price from $90 - $130, unless you can find them on sale and/or have a coupon. (Refer back to my Introduction post for more on coupon resources that I always use). Pretty pricey for some rubber and polyester.
I'm NOT a fan.
When my kids started school this past year, these shoes were all the rave among the teens! "All" the girls were wearing them and even quite a few of the guys. They do come in a wide variety of prints and colors. Here's a few of the women's styles:
Semi cute, yeah, okay, maybe a little depending on the color and pattern. Comfortable? So I hear. But the tail of fabric hanging down (this is what you pull to tighten the shoe to your foot) really bugs me and can get dirty easily if it's long enough to be touching the ground. More than anything though what I really don't like, is the price tag. I might be digging these more if they were in the $50 price range.
All school year my kids both thought they were hideous. Phew, saved me from having to fork out a ton of money for a SANDAL. Summer hits and what does my 12.5 year old daughter say to me? "Mom, I like Chaco's now. Do you think I could get a pair?" GASP! My logical response: "Sure. If you want to pay for them yourself."
So, that's what she did. We researched the best deals and waited till I had an exceptional coupon to use online and she finally joined the ranks of Chaco lovers everywhere and got herself the middle pair shown above for a whopping $74.95. Reg priced at $104.95. For the style she wanted, Shoe Buy had the best online deal with a $30 off coupon plus free shipping. The only downside to this deal was that I wasn't able to combine the coupon through Ebates allowing me to get cash back on this purchase as well. Which really stinks because ShoeBuy gives 6% cash back. That was tough to swallow. If you're new to Ebates and shop online a good bit, sign up HERE to start earning cash back. It's free to join!
Are you drinking the Chaco flavored kool-aid? Or do you find yourself more on the bandwagon that I'm on?
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